Wednesday, April 29, 2015

What if I woke up in another Country

What if I woke up in another country and no one understood me, I think my first reaction would be that I would be scared. First I would try to give myself a few minutes to calm myself then I would try to use as many friendly facial expressions as I possibly could to express what I was saying to the foreign people. I would probably do a lot of praying to God to ask him to help keep me safe and to give me strength to get through it. I know IO would be freaking out on the inside scared out of my mind, but I do know myself as a person and I know I would try everything in my power to express my self as friendly as possible. If that did not work ands the people were violent I would do my best to escape somehow and still pray to God that he would get me out of it. If I woke up and there were no people around and I was in a forest or something of that nature I would probably hide out there until I could find a phone somehow and call my family, husband so that they might get our Country to help get me home. If I got put into like a prison or something I would probably be crying but I would still not let go of my faith in God to get me back home, I would pray daily and still express my friendliest expressions to people. How I would express myself would be through facial expressions and hand gestures. I would surly hope that would work. I know if I did wake up in a different country that would be a very traumatic experience for me because I have never even been out of the country, the thought is scary for sure! All I know is that I would be as friendly as I possibly could if I cane across people and would hope that the people were friendly and helpful to feed me take care of me until they could help me get a hold of my family to get me back home. Also it would be great if I came across another American if I woke up in another country then I know I would have a better chance to at least make it out. If the people were friendly I would learn their cultures and explore their country.

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