Tuesday, April 14, 2015



I have a conflict right now with my own body. I have lots of health problems and have had some health issues for awhile now but at the moment I have a major conflict with my hypothyroidism. You see my doctor keeps check on my levels every six months because I have no thyroid no more due to hypothyroidism and a goiter with cancer found in it in 2006. Ever since then I have had to be on thyroid medicine and will have to the rest of my life. For the past 6 months my thyroid levels have been really low and not functioning. I really never gave it much thought before I had problems with my thyroid. When I found out that my thyroid was full of cancer and had to be removed, I started to do research for myself to learn more about the thyroid and what its purpose was for the body. To my amazement I found out that the thyroid actually is very important to our bodies. It basically runs everything in our bodies. It helps our heart, metabolism, our skin, hair, lungs, digestive system, etc..all kinds of things. Researching this helped me to understand what my body had been going through when it was not working properly anymore. Well fast forward to August of 2014 when I had my thyroid checked because I had been feeling extremely tired and irritable. I found out that my levels were really low and also had another Cancer scare which can put you on edge. Well this is my conflict.

My point of view about my conflict is that I feel extremely tired, the tired you feel when you try so hard to keep your eyes open but they shut. My body feels extremely hot for awhile and then extremely cold, my lungs feel like I ran the marathon and I am out of breath easily. My hair falls out at times in clumps, thankfully I have thick hair. I have vision problems at times. I get heart palpation's often. I feel depressed at times from all this and just want to sleep. I have insomnia at times. I have stomach issues at time.

My Mother looking at my conflict would say to have faith and never give up. She would encourage me to keep my mind strong and focused on all the good things in my life, like my children and how many people love me. She would tell me to pray for healing and for me to believe that I am healed. She would encourage me to seek help from my doctor and to not be discouraged. She would make me feel better because she would lift me up emotionally. She would say and has said that I was put here for a reason and that we all are put here for a purpose. She would tell me that it will get better.

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