Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Lesson's I Have Learned

Lessons I have learned in my life is that two wrongs never make a right, meaning; when someone treats you badly talks badly about you or curses at you, you should just walk away and let it roll of your back because most likely they have some major problems going on in their life and they are taking their misery out on you and everyone else. This lesson I have learned because when I was young I used to get offended and hurt by these types of people and I wanted to get even or get them back some way for hurting me, but I learned that is not right and it usually results in a worse outcome then just ignoring it and letting it go. I do believe that you should never put up with this type of mental abuse if the same person keeps doing this well then you should cut them out of your life because then that means that their is something this person has happen to them and their life or been taught this and think this is normal when it is not!

Another lesson I have learned in my life is that you should not depend on others for handouts because then you never really learn to take care of yourself and it is not good to be dependent on others always. We all need to be self efficient to learn how to care for ourselves is very healthy and good for us. I have learned this personally in my life with my husband. Me and my husband were together when I was really young and I did not finish school because I had kids to raise and so I could not get a good paying job so I was so dependent on him financially, and eventually when your like this you become dependent on someone emotionally, and mentally and you put all your trust in this person to take care of all those needs and not all people who 

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